I had to come up with something on my own for her cake, since they don't make a Littlest Pet Shop cake pan.
The coveted Littlest Pet Shop VIP!! (from Grammy and Ken)She squealed when she saw it!! She also got a TON of LPS figures, thanks to Grammy and Ken also!! She also got a VIP from my mom(she opened that on Friday) to which she also squealed on first sight too! lol
Just ONE of the MANY outfits she received for her birthday. She'll be quite fashionable thanks to Auntie Robin, Great Gma-Gpa J and Great Gma-Gpa C.
In keeping of her Littlest Pet Shop theme, Grampy got her a LPS Monopoly! Daddy can't WAIT to play this with her-Mononopoly is one of his favorite games.
Then on Sunday was the party with her classmates at Monster Mini Golf. We had the 'party' part in this room that was decorated like a haunted house-very cool and spoooky!! The skull chandelier even spoke as it went over the rules for the mini golf. We had hot dogs, popcorn and cupcakes. YUM!
We ALL had a blast! The best thing was that MMG provided ALL the paper products, they do the clean up and it wasn't wicked expensive either! Whew, what a DEAL! I'm even thinking of doing B's 30th birthday party there!?!?!
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