FINALLY! After several years I have a picture of the kids with SANTA!! When L was first born(she was like 6 wks old) we took her for the coveted Santa pic. Well she cried of course like many babies do. ;-)
When she was 1, we took her and the ONLY way we'd get a pic was if B was RIGHT next to her. I think it was because he had JUST returned from a 6 month deployment!
We didn't get pics when she was 2 because we had just moved to VA.
We tried when she was 3 but she WAS NOT having it. Threw a fit and everything. :0(
Then when she was 4 we tried, hoping she'd be okay since J was going to too.(he was a babe then and had no choice, LOL) She even put on a nice dress and put 'cutes' in her hair, but it was a no go. Though AT LEAST I got a pic of J with Santa that year.(it was his first Santa pic!) The Santa at the mall said that he knew one little girl that took 9 YEARS to go and visit with Santa! Lordy, I had hoped that wouldn't be L's case too!!
SO after THAT we stopped even ATTEMPTING to go. The most L would even muster was waving to Santa when we walked past. And I didn't want a Santa pic with only J in it either.
WELL a few weeks ago L said that she was ready to go and sit with Santa! I was cautiously optomistic of course. And over the last few days she'd really expressed that she REALLY wanted go. SO we trudged to the mall last night, stood in line and my dream came true!! AND she wasn't even the least bit nervous or scared!
~Don't worry, all you Grandparents out there will get a pic!
One happy Mommy!
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