Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Finally, some down time and stability!!

HOLY COW!! Just where did the month of September go!?!?

Well I WISH I could tell you of several more exciting things that B and I did while he was on stand down, that was not the case. CPO induction season was in full swing, so he was gone at least half of the day playing the "reindeer games" with the Selectees and fellow CPO's. He did at least enjoy himself and as with each year took note of what/what not to do for next year. He's already told me that he plans on taking a more active roll next year at his shore command.

This past week the kids were home from school on their fall break. The first weekend started out as any other. B and L went to coach soccer while J and I had some quality time at home. Then B had duty, so it was a low key day for the kiddos and I. We had planned on going to a birthday party that day, but J spiked a fever out the blue and wasn't feeling good. So we stayed home and rested. The following day I had woken up feeling pretty bleh myself, but thought it was due to not getting enough sleep which is pretty normal whenever B has duty or is out to sea. Then as the day progressed the rug was pulled out from me...I WAS coming down with something! Sure enough I woke up the next day with a sore throat and feeling like my body had just been run over by a Mack truck!! Luckily the kiddos were behaving themselves and even worked on their homework with out being told. B was nice enough to get me throat lozenges since I hadn't felt well enough to get them on my own! ;-) THREE days later I finally felt well enough to leave the house..and just in time. The command was having a beach picnic/award ceremony. The timing was great as far as being well enough to go the picnic but crummy for trying to get the house back in order. B always wants to cram as much fun etc when he has long weekends off...this was no exception. Saturday he finished making the bench for all his Batman/GI Joe collectibles and wehad movie night with the kids. The new Karate Kid movie is REALLY good. Tho it just wasn't the same without Mr. Miyagi! ;-( Sunday we drove up the North Shore and headed up to Waimea Falls Park. It was simply GORGEOUS! It does have a paved path up to the falls, but there are SEVERAL off the beaten foot paths that meander and make their way up to the falls too. So it was really the best of both worlds...rugged and jungle-y enough for the the kids, but paved and several shaded spots for me! It's a fairly short hike up to the falls, 3/4 of a mile, but was perfect since we'd had a late start. There was no way we were going to be able to even see half of the park in just the few short hours we were there, so we went ahead and bought an annual pass!! With B heading to shore duty in a few months we'll DEFINITELY get use out of it!!

Now with October in full swing I REALLY need to kick into high gear and get working on J's Halloween costume. L's is done...we just have a few odds and ends to pick up. This year even tho B will be home, he and I decided not to dress up. We couldn't really find anything to get excited over plus we're not going to a party that weekend, so we didn't see the need...why spend the money, ya know? Tho what we don't spend on costumes will surely be spent on candy. We only plan to be home to pass out candy for half of the trick or treating time, but we KNOW we will run out QUICKLY!!